Binding of isaac afterbirth wiki synergies
Binding of isaac afterbirth wiki synergies

binding of isaac afterbirth wiki synergies

Template:I: Tears disappear before they can return to Isaac.

binding of isaac afterbirth wiki synergies

  • Template:I/ Template:I: Tears will disappear at different distances depending on how big they were when fired.
  • The farther away, the smaller it becomes.
  • Template:I: The closer the tear floats to Isaac, the larger it is.
  • binding of isaac afterbirth wiki synergies

    Template:I: Tears disappear too quickly to be fed.The kidney stone takes longer to disappear than the tear barrage. Template:I: The tear barrage and kidney stone disappear after a certain distance.Template:I: Tears almost disappear completely but are still able to do massive damage.Template:I: At base range and tear size, tears will bounce twice against the floor and then disappear.Template:I: Tears will often disappear before they can travel through walls.Tears created from bursts will also shrink, but due to their already low range, the difference may not be noticeable. Template:I/ Template:I/ Template:I: Tears will often disappear before they can burst.Template:I: Tears spawned by Varicose Veins are larger and deal additional damage, and usually disappear at the edges of normal sized rooms.Template:I: Significantly increases the beam's damage per tick, tripling damage at medium range.Template:I: Ring size and damage is substantially increased, but decreases as the ring travels further from Isaac.Tears become virtually powerless across large rooms like the Boss Rush and the Hush fight. The beam decreases in damage and width the farther it travels.Template:I/ Template:I: Doubles damage.Template:I: Significantly increases tear size, effectively increasing maximum range.Template:I: Tears do massive damage and carry with leftover damage while still shrinking.Template:I: The Knife damage is doubled regardless of range.Template:I: The Maw ring is much larger and deals 1.5x damage.

    #Binding of isaac afterbirth wiki synergies full

    Template:I + Template:I: The controlled tear has full Proptosis damage buff, no matter how far they are from Isaac.At base damage, the Lump of Coal will approximately negate the damage lost over distance, but with increased damage, tears still do more damage up close. Template:I: Proptosis scales with Isaac's damage while the Lump of Coal does not.Fired tears and burst tears will still shrink and do less damage the farther they travel. Template:I: Fired and burst tears do double damage.Template:I: Large tears cause a larger halo as well.Template:I/ Template:I: Doubles damage with no penalty for distance.Template:I: Further increases the size of the initial tears.Does not affect Azazel's short-ranged Template:I.Template:I: Retains the double damage effect without losing damage over range.Template:I: The Athame ring is much larger and deals 1.5x damage.Template:I: The tears will not decrease in size or damage until they start moving, making this excellent against enemies that chase Isaac.The item has the opposite effect of the item A Lump of Coal, which makes Isaac deal more damage from farther away.Tear size increasing items also increase the maximum distance before disappearance, but the damage dealt can go below original at the extreme.Effective range of Isaac's tears now also depends on damage, as they can shrink out of existence before their air time runs out.Isaac's tears become larger and do more damage, but shrink and do less damage the further they travel.

    Binding of isaac afterbirth wiki synergies